Standuply 2.0 — Intelligent Data Assistant

Slack bots become smarter, standup meetings — more data-driven.

Alex Kistenev
A Digital Scrum Master at Work


We’ve rolled out the major update in Standuply! Now, with better features, you’ll see our vision beyond just being the standup bot. Meet Standuply 2.0Intelligent Data Assistant which helps you gather (soon — analyse) data from your team members and tools like Google Analytics, databases, etc.

So let’s give it a try with some fresh stuff we’ve prepared for you. We’ll be starting with … the Data Requests.

Data Requests

We want to make standups great again for your team, company, country 😎 To make those dull meeting more engaging and informative we introduce to you the concept of data requests.

A data request captures information from a third-party service the team uses and attaches that data to an existing Standuply report inside Slack.

Here are some examples of data requests:

- data/charts from Google Analytics;
- metrics from databases like MySQL or MongoDB;
- soon — much more;

You configure a request once then anytime attach it to an existing standup report or a new report. You can run a standup report with your teammates plus a data request or just have a separate report with the data request only. Choose whatever works best for you 👋

1. Google Analytics Requests

Google Analytics and Slack integration is quite popular. Now you don’t need to have another stats bot just for that. While Standuply is still in beta, this tiny task is at no cost to you.

Create a request in Standuply with a metric from Google Analytics and then attach it either to your daily standup or create a separate report with it.

2. Custom Requests

You can also create a request for other tools you use, like MySQL, MongoDB, etc via the Custom request option.

The custom request is the endpoint Standuply will use to pull the data and post it to Slack.

To do so, you need to prepare the data in the required format on your side and specify the URL from which Standuply should collect the data. This way you can automatically share important metrics with the team in Slack.

You can even make your own integration, for example with Jira, to send the data you need via Standuply directly to Slack. But if you wait a bit, you might have similar integrations out of the box, made by our team.

The Fully Redesigned Web Account

We completely re-thought the personal web account and re-did it from scratch. Huh! It was hard work. Here it is (you saw parts of it above).

You can see the History tab at the top, it points you to the page where you can view and download a history of all your reports (long-awaited feature).

There is a button Create Request which is here to enrich standup reports with more of your data like we explained above.

1. Creating a report step-by-step

From now on reports are created step-by-step. We tried to make sure that it takes less time and feels more intuitive. Most fields are already prefilled and each step has a separate report segment. Thus, we hope report creating is easier and faster than before.

The first step is for scheduling. You configure the start date, days to run and the frequency. See below.

The second step is for people and questions. You choose respondents, questions, a report duration and set reminders. At this step you can attach a request to the report you’re creating.

At the third step, you choose where to serve the results. Also, you can configure options like timed/asynchronous delivery and decide whether you want results within a thread or not (hot feature).

2. Reports history

We used to allow seeing Standuply reports history via Chrome Extension. It’s gone for good. Now you can view, browse and download in XLSX file the history of all your reports on the web, Enjoy!

Brand New Features

1. Polls

If you need to see answers from limited options or run a simple poll in your standups, now you have it in Standuply. It can be useful, for example, if you need just yes/no answers or to ask where a person works from.

Choose Survey question as a response type for a question while creating a report. Then you can define the answers and have the results served anonymously together with your standup report.

2. User local time zone

It has been the long awaited feature. Now when you set up timing, you can pick from the list of time zones User’s local time zone. Then the bot will reach out to your team mates by their time zone at a time you define.

3. Vacation Mode

I hope your team mate enjoy their holidays. To make them more pleasant, you can let Standuply know who’s on vacation so the bot won’t bother them.

It is possible when a person sets the status, let’s say On vacation, and then you tell Standuply not to ask people who set that status.

You will find that option in the Settings menu.

That’s all, folks. Let us know in the comments below which data requests you would like us to make as a standalone features in Standuply.

Stay tuned! We’re up to make the world a better place for humans and bots.

Not using Standuply yet? Give it a try. Your developers will say thanks to you.

